‘Those who seek death shall live,
Those who seek life shall die’
충무공 이순신 Admiral Yi
이순신은 조선시대 정읍현감, 진도군수, 전라좌도 수군절도사 등을 역임한 무신이다. 1545년(명종 즉위)에 태어나 1598년(선조 31)에 사망했다.
1591년 전라좌도 수군절도사가 되자 왜의 침략에 대비해 전선을 제조하고 군비를 확충했다. 임진왜란이 나자 옥포·노량·당포·당항포에서 연전연승을 거듭했다. 한산도와 부산포에서도 적들을 격파하고 1593년 삼도수군통제사가 되었다.
조정의 명령을 거역했다는 죄로 잡혀가 문초를 당했다. 정유재란에서 원균이 대패하자 다시 기용되어 조선 수군을 재건하고 적선을 추격하다 유탄을 맞고 사망했다.
Yi Sun-sin was a warrior who served as the governor of Jeongeup, Jindo-gun, and Jeolla-jwa-do. He was born in 1545 (the accession of King Myeongjong) and died in 1598 (31st year of King Seonjo).
In 1591, when he became a naval thief in Jeollajwa, he manufactured a front line and expanded armaments in preparation for a Japanese invasion. After the Japanese Invasion of Korea, Okpo, Noryang, Dangpo, and Danghangpo continued to win consecutive victories. He defeated the enemies at Hansando and Busanpo, and became the commander of the Samdo naval forces in 1593.
He was arrested for disobeying the orders of the court and was punished. When Won-gyun was defeated in the Jeongyujaeran, he was re-assigned to rebuild the Joseon naval forces, and while pursuing an enemy ship, he was hit by a grenade and died.
이순신 명언 Quotes
살고자 하면 죽을 것이요, 죽고자 하면 살 것이다. ‘Those who seek death shall live, Those who seek life shall die’
신에게는 아직 12척의 배가 남아있습니다. ‘I still have 12 ships left.’
한명이 길목을 지키면 천명의 적도 두렵게한다. ‘One who keeps strategic points well can frighten 1000 enemies.’
가벼이 움직이지 말라. 침착하게 태산같이 무겁게 행동하라. ‘Do not act hastily, be calm and still like a mountain.’
싸움이 한창 급하다. 나의 죽음을 알리지 마라. ‘It is the moment of an urgent battle, do not let anybody know about my death.’